Editorial board

Editor-in – chief

Seydakhmetov B.K., Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor (h-index:2)

Deputy Chief Editor

Koshekov K.T., doctor of technical sciences, professor (h-index:5)

Editorial staff:

  1. Streltsov A.V., Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Professor of Engineering Physics department of Physical Sciences at Embry-Riddle Aeronautics University (Daytona Beach, Florida) (h-index:24);
  2. Yatskiv I.V., Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Transport and Communications (TSI), Doctor Engineering Sciences, Professor, Member of the Board of the European Association of Transport Research Institutes (h-index:8);
  3. Isgandarov I.A., candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associated professor of Azerbaijan National Aviation Academy (h-index:1);
  4. Aldamzharov K.B., doctor of technical sciences, professor (h-index:1);
  5. Ospanov E. A., PhD in the specialty 6D070200 – “Automation and Control”, Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission, NJSC “Shakarim University (h-index:9);
  6. Belginova S. A., PhD in specialty 6D070300 – Information Systems (by industry), Associate Professor of Turan University, Department of Information Technology (h-index:6);
  7. Karsybaev E.E., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, JSC “Academy of Civil Aviation” (h-index:1);
  8. Anayatova R.K., PhD, Head of the Department “Aviation English”, JSC “Academy of Civil Aviation” (h-index:3);
  9. Kalimoldaev M.N., PhD, Professor, Institute of Problems of Informatics and Management of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (h-index:10);
  10. Tuleshov A.K., PhD, Academician MIA, Institute of Mechanics and Machine Science (h-index:4).

Responsible editor: Makeeva A.Т.