Guidelines for Authors
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- Rules for authors
on accepting scientific articles for publication in a scientific journal
The Journal «Bulletin of CAA» is represented by three research sections:
- «Air Transport and Technologies»;
- «Logistics, Transport Organisation, Transport Safety»;
- «Computer Science, Instrumentation and Automation».
The article should clearly indicate the relevance of the topic, its scientific significance, the research results obtained and conclusions drawn. All borrowed materials from other sources must be correctly formatted with the use of references, and the name of the source referred to by the author must necessarily be included in the reference list.
The scientific paper should be designed in a strict scientific style. The lexicon characteristic of this style is characterised by relative homogeneity and isolation, which is manifested, for example, in the limited use of synonyms. In scientific texts it is inadmissible to use colloquial vocabulary, which is often accompanied by subjective evaluation. Evaluative judgements in scientific works are used exclusively to explain the author’s ideas and are rational in nature. Scientific language is characterised by accuracy, logic of presentation, consistency and objectivity of the material.
Scientific publication is one of the key outcomes of the researcher’s work. Materials submitted for publication in the journal ‘Bulletin of the Academy of Civil Aviation’ should be original and not previously published in other printed publications. The article should be based mainly on modern scientific literature and contain elements of novelty. The main purpose of the publication is to make the results of the author’s work available to other researchers. Through publication, the author asserts his priority in the chosen field of scientific research.
In the introduction of the article should emphasise the relevance and validity of the study of the posed scientific problem or task. The main part should contain the analysis and synthesis of information aimed at disclosing the issues under study and finding ways to solve them. It is also necessary to provide justification of the expected results and their validity. In the article it is important to analyse, compare and highlight the most significant and promising areas of development of science (or practice), as well as individual activities, phenomena and events.
A research paper should be oriented towards identifying problems, presenting different points of view of researchers on the development of scientific or practical knowledge, as well as include conclusions, generalisations and summarised data. In the conclusion, the author should summarise the results, formulate key findings, make recommendations and outline possible directions for future research.
Any article published in this scientific periodical has a certain structure and includes the following information and sections, which should follow in the following order:
- UDC (Universal Decimal Classification)
- ICSTI (International Catalogue Of Scientific And Technical Information)
- Title of the article
- Full name of authors (initials, surname)
- affiliation (authors’ place of work – name of organisation, city, country)
- e-mail of the author responsible for correspondence
- Abstract section
- List of keywords
- Main text of the article
- List of references
- References (repetition of the List of References with description of Russian-language sources in English with elements of transliteration into Latin).
- Full information about the authors (full name, academic degree, position, place of work or study (department, faculty (laboratory), university (institute), city, country, e-mail, mobile number of the author for correspondence in three languages).
The requirements for each section of the article are described below.
Article title:
- – Must be concise, precise and reflect the essence of the work.
- – Abbreviations should not be used.
- – The title should be informative so that it can be easily indexed in international information databases.
For example: «Development and implementation of algorithms for controlling groups of unmanned aerial vehicles under uncertainty».
Author information
After the title, the initials and surnames of the authors should be given in full (first initials followed by the surname).
Affiliation of authors and its execution
The author’s full name is followed by an affiliation. Affiliation is information about the authors’ place of work/study, which should include: – name of the organisation. The organisation should be indicated in full form without abbreviations of the status of organisations: KazNU, CAA, NAU, etc. – indication of the city and country (written after the name of the organisation first – city, then – country). Affiliation is linked to the authors’ full names by superscript numeric indices
Attention. Only the e-mail address of the author responsible for correspondence is indicated in the affiliation. The corresponding author, whose e-mail address is indicated in the article, is marked with an asterisk*.
An abstract is a summary of the content of an article by the author. The reader, having familiarised himself with the abstract, should immediately decide whether the article corresponds to the topic he needs. In this sense, the abstract should be concisely written, precise in its definitions and logical.
The abstract should summarise the key content of the article, including:
- Relevance.
- The subject matter and objectives of the study.
- The aims of the work.
- The methods of the study.
- Main results.
- Conclusions and suggestions.
The abstract should:
- 200 to 300 words.
- Not to repeat the title of the article.
- Written in three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English.
It is recommended to use GOST 7.9-95 to compose the abstract.
The article should include keywords after the abstract:
Keywords should be highlighted so that they can be found in information systems. These are usually the main terms (individual words or word combinations) used by the author in the content of the article. As a rule, keywords repeat the terms included in the title and abstract, but also additional terms that expand the search possibilities of the article on the given topic. Keywords cannot be sentences of 4-5 words. The number of keywords should not be less than 6 and more than 8. Jargon and abbreviations not accepted in professional terminology or used in the text to abbreviate frequently repeated expressions should not be used as keywords.
Text of the article
The material of the article, including title, text, abstract and keywords in Kazakh, Russian and English languages, list of references, figures, figure captions and tables, should be submitted in one file of *.RTF or *.DOCX formats. The document should be saved in Microsoft Word text editor, as differences between versions may lead to the disappearance of spaces between words. Files in other formats will not be accepted.
Typing rules
Font: Times New Roman, 12 point typeface
Margins: top and bottom – 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1.5 cm.
Number of figures: 5-10
Line spacing: single line
The full design of the text of the article with the necessary spaces and spacing is shown in the Style File of the article (See Style File).
Structure of the article
The structure of the article should follow the IMRAD international formula:
I – Introduction:
Justification of the relevance of the research.
Definition of the purpose and objectives of the work.
Review of existing problems and trends in the field of study.
M – Methods:
Description of the research methods used.
Description of experimental setups, models, instruments or techniques.
R – Results:
Presentation of the data obtained, analysis of the results.
Use of tables, graphs and charts for clarity.
A – and D – Conclusion + Discussion:
Discussion of the significance of the findings.
Comparison with other works.
Conclusions, suggestions for further research and applications
Abbreviations and symbols are allowed only for abbreviations of measures, physical, chemical and mathematical quantities, terms, etc. accepted in the international system of units. Generally accepted abbreviations should be limited and new abbreviations should be avoided without sufficient justification. Abbreviations introduced should be deciphered.
The dimensionality of all quantities used in the article should correspond to the International System of Units (SI) according to GOST 8.417-2002. State System for Ensuring Uniformity of Measurements. Units of magnitudes.
Requirements for the design of the List of References
At the end of the article there is a bibliographic list strictly according to the order of mentioning in the text. The list of references is drawn up in accordance with the international bibliographic standard APA 7th (American Psychological Association (APA) Style (seventh edition) For references to literary sources square brackets are used – [1], [4,5]. The bibliographic description of each source should correspond to the description of the source on the back of its title page, indicating the city, publisher, year of issue, number of pages. The list of used literature should be presented in the language in which the article is written, in common English transliteration (
Graphs, diagrams
Graphs and diagrams are also duplicated as separate files, where they must be presented in the original format (for example, diagrams in a Microsoft Excel file, and not as an image or picture).
The drawings must be of good quality, printable, and equally informative in both color and black-and-white. The inscriptions and symbols must be clearly defined either in the caption or in the legend that is part of the drawing and be in the appropriate language of the manuscript. Pictures should be given in a grouped form in Word. Drawings should be placed as close as possible to the first mention of them in the manuscript. The figures are numbered in Arabic numerals according to the order in the text. If there is only one drawing in the text, it is not numbered. The caption includes the serial number of the drawing and its name.
Tables must be created in Microsoft Word spreadsheet format, editable, not scanned, or in the form of drawings. Tables are numbered with Arabic numerals in the order of their sequence in the text. If there is only one table in the text, it is not numbered. The table header includes the ordinal number of the table and its name.
A note indicating the source should be the last solid line in the table (Times New Roman size 10, italics), where comments are given on whether the table was compiled independently or based on sources.
All complex formulas in the article should be typed using standard Microsoft Office formula editors, in a uniform format, not exceeding the keystroke size of the main text, placed in the centre of the page, should be entered in a single-line table with invisible borders and should be numbered in brackets after each formula. For example,
А2 + В2 = С2 | (2) |
Simple formulas (or designations of mathematical values in the text) should be typed as follows: Latin symbols – in italics, Russian, Kazakh letters and functions, e.g. sin – in regular font (straight type), Greek – in Symbol font (straight type).
Formulas should use common Latin symbols as much as possible, including as indices. Authors who have found it necessary to retain the Russian-language formulas should offer the Editorial Board variants of its execution in the international script (the Editorial Board reserves the right to translate the formulas into Latin transcription for the English-language version).
It is not allowed to use scanned illustrations, schemes (except for unique drawings, schemes, prospective development projects), graphs, tables and formulas.
Information about the authors
Information about the authors should be presented in tabular form and contain the following information: (full name, academic degree, position, place of work or study (department, faculty (laboratory), university (institute), city, country, e-mail, mobile number of the author for correspondence in three languages).
The length of the manuscript, including all graphics and bibliography, should be no less than 8 and no more than 10 pages of text typed on a computer (MicrosoftWord editor).
The Editorial Board requests that the structure of the manuscript be strictly followed in the following order:
- In the upper left corner in three languages the thematic direction of the manuscript should be written.
- At the beginning of the article at the top left should be indicated MRSTI (international rubricator of scientific and technical information), ICSTI is determined on the site and the number of UDC in strict accordance with the Universal Decimal Classification). In order to determine the subject of your article according to the UDC, it is convenient to use the resource
- In a separate file to the article attached information about the authors, including, surname, first name and patronymic of each author – in full (without abbreviations), academic degree, position, place of work/study (organisation, department, department), e-mail address (email) in Russian, Kazakh and English languages.
- title of the article – in the centre, in bold and capital letters.
- Abstract (Abstract) – from 200 to 300 words.
- Keywords – at least 6-8 words. 6.
6.Full text of the article, corresponding to the international IMRAD formula (to be prepared in the language of the article).
- Introduction
- Materials and research methods
- Results and their discussion
- Conclusion
- Brief output data about the article (information about the authors, including surname, first name and patronymic of each author – in full (without abbreviations), academic degree, position, place of work/study (organisation, department, department), e-mail address (email); abstract and keywords) shall be submitted in the state, Russian and English languages, in case of manuscript submission in one language, brief output data shall be indicated only in the other two languages.
- List of used literature in strict order by numbering in the language of the article and common English transliteration with translation of the names of literary sources into English. When transliteration of authors’ surnames and names of journals is done independently, it is necessary to apply BSI transliteration using the service at Each source mentioned in the References should be referenced in the place of the text of the article where the source is mentioned. DOI should be indicated in the reference list. References to articles from journals should necessarily indicate the year of publication, volume and number of the journal, page numbers. The recommended volume of the reference list for review articles is not less than 10 sources, for other articles – not less than 7.
- Full text of the manuscript of 8-10 pages, including prefatory components: reference lists in the original language and in Latin, abstracts and keywords in the language of the manuscript and in English translation, made in full in accordance with the requirements for design in Word and PDF, with the signatures of all authors on each page of the text.
- Information about authors in Kazakh, Russian and English languages. For foreign authors in English.
- For each author (co-author) studying at the master’s or PhD doctoral level, the list of mandatory documents sent to the editorial office additionally includes the recommendation of the student’s supervisor in any form, indicating the topic of the graduate work (dissertation) and a specific personal contribution to the scientific research.
- Full name of the author of the article; initials and surnames of the authors (Times New Roman, 12 point bold);
- Place of work: name of the university;
- City, country;
- E-mail of the author of the correspondent;
- Note: the author of the correspondent is assigned a sign – * (asterisk).
- Contacts of the author, on behalf of whom payment will be made: Surname, full name, IIN, mobile, working and home phones, e-mail, full postal address with indication of the index (for the registration of the contract).
Attention! The articles, drawn up in violation of the rules or containing a large number of grammatical and spelling errors, automatic translation into English, will not be accepted by the editorial board and will be returned to the authors without consideration of their merits.
The AGA Bulletin communicates with the author for correspondence via the online system
- received materials are checked according to the Guidelines for Authors;
- the similarity report is analysed in system:
To accept a manuscript, originality of the text should be not less than 70%.
In the next step: double-blind review. The manuscript is sent to two reviewers for review. The reviewer’s review period is 7-10 days.
At each stage the author is given time for revision of the material – 5 working days, after expiry of the term the material is rejected.
The article with positive reviews of two reviewers and the responsible editor is submitted for publication in accordance with the order of acceptance for publication.
No more than one manuscript from one author or the same author as part of a team of co-authors is allowed per issue.
The same authors are not allowed to publish in every issue.
The number of co-authors of one article is not more than 5.
The Journals doesn’t publish:
- materials that do not correspond to the subject of the journal;
- materials previously published by the authors in other editions;
- materials containing spelling, mathematical or other errors that cannot be corrected, as well as statements and hypotheses that directly contradict established scientific facts.