Guidelines for Authors

on accepting scientific articles for publication in a scientific journal

The journal “Bulletin of the CAA” is included in the publications listing for the issuance of the main results of dissertations in the following areas:

  • Air Transport and Technologies
  • Logistics, Organization of Transportation, Transport safety
  • Computer Science, Instrumentation Engineering and Automation


The article must clearly indicate its relevance, scientific significance, research results and conclusions. Any borrowing of materials from other sources must be properly documented with a reference, and the name of the source referred to by the author must be indicated in the list of references.

The article must be written in a scientific style. The lexical composition of the scientific style is characterized by relative uniformity and restraint, and this is expressed, in particular, in the lesser use of synonyms. The scientific style should not contain vocabulary with a colloquial tone, which is not characterized by evaluativeness. Evaluation in scientific works is used to explain the author’s thoughts and is rational in nature. Scientific speech is distinguished by the accuracy and logic of thought, its consistent presentation and objectivity of presentation.

A scientific publication is one of the main results of a researcher’s activities. Material submitted for publication in the scientific journal “Bulletin of the CAA” must be original and not previously published in other print media. The article should be written using predominantly modern scientific literature and contain novelty. The main purpose of the publication is to make the author’s work accessible to other researchers. Through publication, the author indicates his priority in the chosen field of research.

In the introductory part, it is necessary to indicate the relevance and worthwhileness of developing a scientific problem or task. In the main part of the article, through analysis and synthesis of information, it is required to reveal the problems under study and ways to solve them. You also need to justify the possible results and their reliability. The article should analyze, compare and identify the most important and promising directions in the development of science (practice), its individual types of activities, phenomena, events, etc.

A scientific article should be problematic in nature, demonstrate different views of scientists on the development of scientific (practical) knowledge, and contain conclusions, generalizations, and summary data. In the final part, the author needs to summarize, formulate conclusions, recommendations, and indicate possible directions for further research.


When preparing articles, the editors ask you to be guided by the following rules and requirements for the design of materials submitted for publication in the journal:

  1. Articles proposed for publication must be new, not previously published in the same form in other printed or electronic media. The content of the article must correspond to the thematic areas and scientific level of the journal, have a certain novelty and be of interest to researchers, teachers, and specialists in the field of aviation. Articles are published in Kazakh, Russian, and English languages.

The volume of the article should be from 6 to 12 pages;

The material must be typed in a WORD text editor using Times New Roman font, size 14, single spaced. Schemes, graphs, diagrams, drawings and other graphic materials can be made in black and white using a WORD text editor or in vector graphics programs (Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw) and must be electronically editable. Graphic materials and tables must contain a serial number and a title. Formulas are typed in the Mach Type program or in the MC Office application and adhere to the same style throughout the entire article.

  1. At the beginning of the article at the top left you should indicate IRSTI (international rubricator of scientific and technical information), IRSTI is determined on the website Further in the middle of the page in capital letters (italics) there should be the initials and surnames of the authors, position, degree, then in the middle in lowercase letters – the name of the organization(s) in which the work was performed and the city, below also in the middle in capital letters (bold) – the title of the article.
  2. The abstract should reflect the purpose of the work, the method or methodology for carrying out the work, brief results, the scope of application of the results, and conclusions. The abstract size must be at least 1/3 page. Regardless of the language of the article, annotations in Kazakh, Russian and English are required. After the annotation, key words in the language of the annotation must be indicated, at least 5 words, in lowercase letters, separated by commas.
  3. The text of the article should be structured using standard section titles “Introduction”, “Main Part”, “Conclusions and Proposal”. Additional special section names are allowed if necessary.

At the end of the article there is a “List of used sources” (at least 7). References in the text are in square brackets. Sources are indicated in the order they are cited in the text. All sources from the bibliography must be referenced in the text. The list of used sources is drawn up in accordance with STST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record”. References: the bibliographic list is compiled twice: in the original language of the sources (Kazakh, Russian), in a language using the Cyrillic alphabet, must be transliterated in Latin letters.

  1. In a separate file, information about the authors is attached to the article: title of the article, last name, first name and patronymic (in Kazakh, Russian, English), academic degree and title, full name and address of the organization – place of work, position held, contact phone number, email address.
  2. The author of a scientific article provides it in electronic form within the deadlines established by the journals’ publication schedules and in accordance with the requirements for scientific articles.
  3. Accepted articles undergo anti-plagiarism and are then sent for review to two reviewers. The review period for the article is 7-10 days. Scientific articles submitted for publication in scientific journals must comprise at least 70% of the original text. After the approval of two reviewers, the article is sent for publication.
  4. The authors bear responsibility for the content of the article.
  5. The article should have no more than 5 authors.

Formatting article metadata:

Full name of the author of the article; initials and surnames of the authors (Times New Roman, font 14 in bold);

  1. Place of work: name of the university;
  2. City, country;
  3. E-mail of the corresponding author;
  4. Note: the corresponding author is assigned the sign – * (asterisk).

Attention! Articles written in violation of the rules or containing a large number of grammatical and spelling errors, automatic translation into English, will not be accepted by the editors and will be returned to the authors without consideration of their articles in a substantial manner.

The editors have the right, if necessary, to request additional experimental data (for example, spectra) from the authors.

Regardless of the results of the initial review, the article may be rejected or returned for revision at any stage of the work if gross errors, extensive borrowings or erroneous citations are detected.

The journal does not publish:

  • materials that do not correspond to the subject of the journal;
  • materials previously published by the authors in other publications;
  • materials containing spelling, mathematical or other errors that cannot be corrected, as well as statements and hypotheses that directly contradict established scientific facts.

The editorial board has the right to refuse to consider material for publication if it is not prepared in accordance with the journal’s requirements for authors; manuscripts are not returned to the authors.