Authors: Akbayeva A.N., Akbayeva L.N.
UDC 378.147:7.01(574)

Abstract. In the article, the authors reveal the relevance and practical significance of
ethnoaesthetic education in Kazakhstan, which is actualized by the need to introduce the discipline
«Ethnoaesthetics» in higher educational institutions of the Republic. The purpose of studying the
discipline is the formation of an ethnoaesthetic type of personality. Since only he is able to bring into
the Kazakh society a stabilizing, long-term oriented spiritual principle. Ethnoaesthetics as a discipline
consists of three sections: 1) the history of Kazakh aesthetic thought; 2) ethnoaesthetic education; 3)
theoretical ethnoaesthetics. he historical section of ethnoaesthetics consists of an implicit form (empirical material) and an explicit form (theoretical works). The second section includes the study of the theory of
ethnoaesthetic education and its means – Kazakh folk art (oral-poetic, musical (instrumental and
song), arts and crafts, national holidays and games), and professional art (fiction, architecture, cinema,
fine, dance and theatrical arts). The theoretical section of ethnoaesthetics includes the subject of
ethnoaesthetics, a system of categories and values, an ideal model of a national person, Kazakh
aesthetic culture.
Key words: ethnoaesthetics, ethnoaesthetic education, history of Kazakh aesthetic thought,
ethnoaesthetic education, theoretical ethnoaesthetics, Kazakh folk and professional art, Kazakh
aesthetic culture.