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Computer science, instrumentation and automation
Authors: Anayatova R., Koshekov К.

Abstract. This study presents an innovative method for classifying emotional states through speech signals, leveraging advanced signal processing and machine learning techniques. The proposed method incorporates a multi-step approach, including feature extraction, selection, and classification. Initially, key acoustic features such as pitch, intensity, formants, and Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) are extracted from the speech signals. Subsequently, feature selection techniques are applied to identify the most relevant features for distinguishing different emotional states. The classification is performed using a combination of supervised learning algorithms, including support vector machines (SVM), random forests, and neural networks. To evaluate the effectiveness of the developed method, a comprehensive dataset comprising various emotional speech recordings was utilized. The dataset included diverse emotional states such as happiness, sadness, anger, fear, and neutrality. The performance of the classification models was assessed using standard metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall.
Experimental results demonstrated that the proposed method achieved a high accuracy rate, outperforming existing state-of-the-art techniques. The neural network model, in particular, showed superior performance in capturing the nuances of emotional expressions in speech. Additionally, the feature selection process significantly enhanced the model’s efficiency by reducing computational complexity while maintaining high classification accuracy. In conclusion, the developed method provides a robust and effective solution for classifying emotional states from speech signals, with potential applications in fields such as human-computer interaction, mental health monitoring, and affective computing. Future work will focus on further refining the model by incorporating more diverse datasets and exploring real-time implementation possibilities.

Keywords: emotional state classification, speech signal, feature extraction, machine learning, neural networks, human-computer interaction, affective computing, AI.

Authors: Akimbay Sh.K.

Abstract. Annually, Kazakhstan generates about 5-7 million tons of pollutants, about one third of which are related to transport. In addition, air pollution in urban catchments of Kazakhstan is caused by pollutant emissions from metallurgical, oil refining and chemical enterprises, motor vehicles and railway transport. Toxic substances emitted by motor vehicles have a negative impact on the atmosphere, water bodies, soil and the Earth’s biosphere. Currently, a car engine consumes about 3 kg of atmospheric oxygen when burning one kiloliter of gasoline. Each car emits 60 m3 of gas per hour, and each truck – 120 m3. These substances are very dangerous for living organisms and can be a solution to the problem.
The purpose of this work is mathematical and numerical modeling of transfer processes in automobile neutralizers using modern programming languages and the latest computational technologies. The solution of such problems makes a special contribution to the problem of automobile exhaust gases. The task of exhaust gas treatment is to study the catalytic oxidation of exhaust gases in automobile neutralizers. The mathematical model is a system of differential equations. This system of equations is solved using a computer in an automotive neutralizer.

Key words: protection of the environment, exhaust gases, neutralizer, heat and mass transfer, numerical method.

Authors: Alibekkyzy K.

Annotation. Currently, in real conditions, the development engineer is faced with the problem of parametric uncertainty. Aircraft operate under conditions of uncertainty; there have always been, are and will be various external disturbances that act on the aircraft. This determines the development of an indefinite system for automatic control of the aircraft’s roll angle during fast lateral short-period movement, for system reliability and increased flight safety. Consequently, the obtained research results of the dissertation work are very important for science and can be used in the future to solve problems in the theory of aircraft control under conditions of uncertainty.

Key words: bank angle, mathematical model, uncertain system, airplane, autopilot, lateral movement, matrix analysis, closed system.

Authors: Bazarova M.

Abstract. In recent years, scientific and technological achievements have enabled the development of science and knowledge, allowing the establishment of worldwide communications, which forms the basis for the exchange of endless information. The development of information technology and the worldwide Internet system in each country is a state structure and has contributed to the profitable work of all sectors of socio-economic activity. Therefore, every citizen of a state society in the present era must skillfully use information and communication technologies (ICT) through a computer.
Information technology plays a major role in the formation of a competitive national education system and the beneficial use of its capabilities among global knowledge. Information technology – based on the work of electronic computing technology, the use of computers in teaching, modeling, electronic textbooks, interactive subjects, working with the Internet and in computer training programs. Information teaching materials provide teaching in connection with the use of communication subjects.

Key words: informative-communication, information technology, internet, electronic system, science and technique, computer literacy.

Authors: Sadvakasova B.E., Bekaulova J.M., Mamatova G.U.

Abstract. Currently, significant changes are taking place in the banking sector related to the implementation of Big Data technology. This opens up new opportunities for risk management and increasing the efficiency of banking systems. This article discusses the application of Big Data technology in risk management in the banking sector, as well as describes the main advantages and challenges associated with this rocess. In addition, examples of successful implementation of Big Data in risk modeling, data analysis, and risk forecasting are provided.

Key words: Big Data, risk management, risk strategies, cybersecurity.

Authors: Abdullah Saeed

Abstract. In Afghanistan, day to a day power struggle, rampant corruption, and numerous
challenges increased and affected National Unity Government. The survival of the country was
managed with the help of International Assistance. Afghanistan Analyst Network reports that
mismanagement and electrical fraud exist in the parliamentary and presidential elections of 2018 and 2019.Two parties in Afghanistan had created continuous political tension in the country. In several
ways, the government of Afghanistan suffered due to violence and insecurity problems. The sociopolitical management was of the country not focused on efficiently maintaining security problems.
Additionally, due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, ninety per cent of the Afghan
people were suffering from economic, environmental crises and insecurity problems. The
parliamentary election scheduled after the first election in 2004 led to several challenges due to slow
preparations. The people of Afghans prefer to have a strong government was the lesson learnt by the
presidential election in Afghanistan. The irregularities and fraud reveal the different types of voting
patterns. The challenges of a presidential election in Afghanistan based on the voter turnout were
examined in this study. The post-conflict state of the country caused the increase or decrease in voter
turnout in Afghanistan. The change in the socio-political and economic, and security situation of the
country was analyzed during the presidential and parliamentary elections. Parliamentary chambers of
Afghanistan held over various years were analyzed based on the number of registered voters, ballots
and valid votes.

Keywords: parliament, presidential elections, Afghan population, economic situation,
government, corruption.

Authors: Nabi N.B.,Sapashev O.,Rakhmetova A.S.

Annotation. Due to the very rapid pace of development of information technology and science,
there are high demands on human knowledge and skills. Including the ability of a person to properly
communicate with the general public, with other communicators, is one of the skills that everyone
should master today. Among them, the ability of a person to establish the right relationship with both
society and the individual is one of the advanced skills that need to be mastered. It’s no secret that
today it is becoming normal to communicate, not paying attention to the purity of the language, the
deep meaning of words and the norms of the literary language. That is why in the modern educational
process there is a need for the student to be able to properly master pronunciation skills. In language
classes, it is important to correctly perform pronunciation activities when establishing communication
with communicants.Recently, in methodological works, there has been a tendency to separate the terms “speaking” and “speech” actively forming their structure and features. In this regard, various conclusions and opinions of foreign and domestic methodologists were expressed regarding teaching pronunciation
and its methodology, methodological educational materials and research papers were published.
Speaking is carried out in the process of speech based on a specific communicative goal. By
organizing the process of speaking in the classroom, you can teach the student to correctly express
his thoughts and draw conclusions. A skill, in turn, is a process that is continuously repeated in a daily
lesson and, on its basis, is brought to automatism. That is why the modern educational paradigm is aimed at developing a set of correct educational and business skills for the student. The article
presents the techniques of speaking, ways of mastering it by the student on the example of specific
tasks according to the concept of the 4K model.

Keywords: speaking process, 4K model, critical thinking, communication, collaboration,
language combinations, teaching methods, cognition.

Authors: Akbayeva A.N., Akbayeva L.N.

Abstract. The article provides a deep political science analysis of the main provisions of the
Message of the Head of State K.K. Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan “Economic course of a Just
Kazakhstan” dated September 1, 2023. In the Message, President Tokayev reviewed the current
situation in the country, outlined key areas of work for the medium term, covered all the “painful”
points of public life and set before the government clear vectors for the development of our society.
According to the president, the continuation of the political modernization carried out in 2022 should
now be structural economic transformations. Thus, the country faces a profound restructuring of
relations in the triad “citizen – business – state.” President Tokayev believes that Kazakhstan has a
chance for a powerful economic breakthrough. That is why it is necessary to gradually, but firmly
and decisively move to a new economic model, which is led not by abstract achievements, but by a
real improvement in the lives of citizens.
Three principles – fairness, inclusiveness and pragmatism – should determine the country’s new
economic course. The new paradigm for the economic development of Kazakhstan will be based on
the effective use of our competitive advantages, as well as unlocking the potential of all key factors
of production – labor, capital, resources and technology. Within the framework of the new economic
policy, the practice of setting long-term ephemeral goals should be forgotten. All tasks set out in this
Message must be solved within three years; for the most difficult ones, other specific deadlines will
be determined. The authors of the article consider the 2023 Presidential Message to be a new political
agenda for Kazakh society, in which the basis for the emerging policy will be a focus on strengthening
the middle class.

Key words: welfare state, climate agenda, banking sector, civil service, personnel policy,
political modernization, intellectual platform, liberal democratic values.

Authors: Akbayeva A.N.,Akbayeva L.N.

Abstract.The article reveals the significance of the new concept of the foreign policy of the
Republic of Kazakhstan, the old and new approaches and principles used in it, updated priorities. The
authors conduct a consistent political analysis of the current situation in the system of international
relations of Kazakhstan, international experience, and the basic principles of foreign policy. The
article reflects the goals and objectives of Kazakhstan’s foreign policy strategy, the country’s key
priorities in the international arena, foreign policy implementation tools, implementation stages and
expected results. The authors of the article emphasize that the new concept differs from the previous one by analyzing the current situation in the system of international relations. At the same time, the emphasis
is on identifying such challenges and threats to this system as a crisis of confidence and an increase
in conflict between various international actors. Kazakhstan, on the one hand, keeps a “hand on the
pulse”, well understands and takes into account the ongoing processes at the global and regional levels
of world politics. On the other hand, in the ambiguous conditions in the international arena, it is
important and profitable for him to position himself as “an active and responsible member of the
international community, making a significant contribution to ensuring international and regional
stability and security”, focused on maintaining friendly, predictable and mutually beneficial relations
with foreign partners.
Key words: crisis of confidence, multilateralism, human factor, investment cooperation, “soft
power”, status of the “leading state in the region”, tools of “people’s diplomacy”.

Authors: Suranchieva N.R., Yelubai A.M., Tulekova G.H.

Annotation.This article considers the issue of developing the lexical component of the aviation
register of linguistic competence of graduates of civil aviation educational institutions. The
educational and methodological support of the course has been tested and is recommended for use in
the educational process of civil aviation educational institutions.

Key words: lexical component, language competence, learning process, civil aviation,
maturity, author’s course.

Authors: Shukurova S.M.,Saydumarov I.M.

Abstract. The article deals with the systematization of legislative and regulatory documents of civil aviation, as well as withthe structural and functional formalization of the electronic educational complex of legislative and regulatory documents. РThe results of the study of the issues of systematization of legislative and regulatory documents, mathematical structural and functional ormalization of the information field of these documents showed that the existing approaches to systematization of legislative and regulatory documents of HA used for educational purposes sufficiently reflect their status, purpose and boundaries of use, have commonality when taking into account priority and areas of application. use in the GA, which gives grounds to take them as the basis for constructing the concept of the EOC information field.

Keywords: systematization, CA documents, legislative, regulatory, documents, air traffic controllers.

Authors: Zasorina Yu.A., Ryabchenko I.N.

Annotation. When preparing students of the aviation specialty, it is necessary to take into
account such features of their training as the maximum development of perception skills of English
audio messages, professionally-oriented oral speech. This can be achieved by creating contextoriented exercises aimed at increasing the congruence of work, interaction and cohesion among
students, the development of skills and abilities in solving various problems. The idea of involving
students in role-playing games and modeling situations that may arise in their practical work in the
future can only be welcomed.

Key words: aviation phraseology, technical safety, language training, training content,
exercises, professional competence.
