Archive category

Logistics, transportation organization, transport security
Authors: Saidumarov I.M., Boatswain I.Zh.

Abstract. The paper creates a method for increasing the capacity of high-speed taxiways in order to increase the efficiency of the runway, taking into account the conditions of seasonal growth in the flow of aircraft, and develops a tool in the form of an algorithm and a software package.

Keywords: Airfield, runway, efficiency, aviation, airport, aircraft, throughput.

Authors: Adam Huseynov

Abstract: This comprehensive examination explores the critical role of legal frameworks in ensuring safety within the aviation industry across various facets of air transport. It delves into the international agreements and standards established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the meticulous supervision provided by National Aviation Authorities. The article navigates through the intricate network of regulations governing airworthiness, crew training, air traffic management, and emergency response. By scrutinizing the nuanced details of each segment, the discussion highlights how these legal frameworks serve as imperceptible architects, cultivating a global environment where safety is prioritized, emergencies are adeptly managed, and the skies remain a secure medium for transportation.

Keywords: Аir transport safety, legal frameworks, airworthiness regulations, emergency response, flight safety.

Authors: Asilbekova I.Zh., Konakbay Z.E.

Abstract: The successful integration of Kazakhstan’s economy into the world system in the context of globalization is impossible without the development of the transport system within the country. Therefore, the development of the transport industry as a whole should be aimed at improving the level of development of the infrastructure of the transport system. An important task of the transport and communication infrastructure is to ensure the availability and quality of transport services in remote regions and regions with insufficient population density.

Keywords: airport, transport, airport complex, airlines, aviation.

Authors: Akhmadov G.M. , Abdullayeva S.M.

Annotation. Using new Industry 4.0 technologies, many companies are developing business models that radically change the competitive environment and create new markets. We explore the role of logistics and transport services in creating this new economic reality.

Keywords: industry 4.0, additive manufacturing, blockchain, unmanned vehicles, artificial intelligence, logistics, transport.

Authors: Iskenderova S.I., Kerimov B.A.

Abstract. The development of modern means of transport, information systems, communication systems and telecommunications open up great opportunities for the rapid dissemination of information, technology, goods and financial resources. Competitive advantages associated with the development of scientific and technological progress gradually began to lose their priority, and new competitiveness
came to the forefront – flexibility, limited order fulfillment times, reliable and highquality supplies, and the ability to choose. The article discusses ways to optimize supply chains and delivery systems as the
main ways to increase the efficiency of logistics activities of companies and enterprises. The essence of innovative technologies and the need for their implementation in the activities of modern enterprises is revealed. Highlighted advanced innovative technologies used in the operation of enterprise logistics systems.

Keywords: logistics, information technology, supply chain, development, efficiency.

Authors: Sataeva A., Akhmetov Т., Musalieva R.D.

Abstract: Optimization of logistics processes based on lean manufacturing tools is a critically important strategy for enterprises seeking to reduce costs and increase their efficiency. Lean manufacturing principles such as just-in-time, continuous improvement, and process optimization can be applied to logistics operations to eliminate non-value-adding activities, reduce lead times, and increase productivity.
The introduction of lean logistics can lead to significant cost savings, increased customer satisfaction and improved competitive advantages.

Keywords: lean manufacturing, concepts, quality, strategic management, management efficiency.

Authors: Sosunova D.Y.,Karimov B. A.

Abstract. The main task of transport logistics is the rationalization of the transportation of
material resources. The solution to this problem is to choose the type of transport for transporting
certain goods, as well as building an optimal route model. In this article we will consider the method
of expert assessments, on the basis of which it is possible to determine the most suitable method of

Keywords. Transport, cargo transportation, types of transport, quality criteria, method of expert
assessments, transport problem.

Authors: Imasheva G.M., Bolotov E.A.

Abstract. The article “Analysis of the future of navigation systems” presents a study of the
prospects of development of navigation technologies. It analyzes current market trends and forecasts
their impact on future solutions in this area.

Keywords: global navigation of satellite type, communication system, artificial intelligence,
GPS, TCAS, security.

Authors: Sosunova D.Yu.,Alekperova G.D.,Kerimov B.A.

Abstract. The article examines in detail all the opportunities provided by the corridor for the
countries of the region, which shows that the implementation of this corridor will lead to the
expansion of regional transport networks and will stimulate mutual economic ties between the
countries of the region.

Keywords: international transport corridor, transport corridor, TRACECA, North-South,
development, Zangezur corridor.

Authors: Imasheva G.M., Bolotov E.A.

Abstract. The article “Analysis of the future of navigation systems” presents a study of the
prospects of development of navigation technologies. It analyzes current market trends and forecasts
their impact on future solutions in this area.

Keywords: global navigation of satellite type, communication system, artificial intelligence,
GPS, TCAS, security.

Authors: Sosunova D. Yu.,Alekperova G.D.,Kerimov B.A.

Abstract. The article examines in detail all the opportunities provided by the corridor for the
countries of the region, which shows that the implementation of this corridor will lead to the
expansion of regional transport networks and will stimulate mutual economic ties between the
countries of the region.

Keywords: international transport corridor, transport corridor, TRACECA, North-South,
development, Zangezur corridor.

Authors: Karsybaev E.E., Zhanbirov Zh.G., Karsybaeva T.E.

Abstract: The complicated geopolitical situation in the world, the sanctions imposed on the
neighboring country are making their own adjustments to the directions of traffic flows. The article
analyzes the current situation in the Aktau seaport, since the northern transport routes are being
reoriented to the middle corridor – the Trans–Caspian International Transport Route (hereinafter –
TCITR). The authors believe that it is necessary to strengthen the port infrastructure for the
development of the expected cargo flows and conclude that it is necessary to create a container stock
hub in the port of Aktau, which will provide seamless transit on the TCITR route.

Keywords: Trans–Caspian International Transport Route, Aktau port, container transportation,
container stock hub, Caspian Sea region, seamless transit.
