Abstract. The concept of the efficiency of an information system is considered, the main factors, the action of which ensures the effectiveness of an information system, are described, the parameters of business processes that need to be determined to assess the effectiveness of an information system are considered, as well as methods for assessing the effectiveness of an information system.
Keywords: information system, effect, efficiency, assessment, methods for assessing the effectiveness of the information system.
Abstract. Flight path optimization is designed to minimize the impact of aircraft on the environment around airports during landing approaches. The main goal of the article is to develop a model of optimal flight trajectories taking into account jet engine noise, fuel consumption, limitations and extreme operational limitations of the aircraft during landing approach.
Key words: Environment, airfield, aircraft, airport, electromagnetic emission, sonic boom, chemical substances, human health.
Abstract. The article reveals the concept of intelligent analysis of social networks. The key aspect of the article is the application of the results of the analysis of social networks for various branches of human activity. The advantages of using Social Mining to identify patterns in big data are described.
Keywords: data mining, social networks, big data, data collection.
Abstract. The article presents the results of the analysis of the application of logistics principles for the uninterrupted operation of aircraft. The paper describes modern approaches to the implementation of logistics principles based on the concept of non-stop maintenance service aimed at reliability and safety of flights. The need for the introduction of logistics principles in the context of increasing air traffic volumes in Kazakhstan was highlighted. Factors hindering aviation logistics were considered.
Keywords: logistics principles, logistics chain, inventory management in supply chains, digital logistics, warehousing system.
Аннотация. Основным видом топлива, которое сейчас используется в авиации, является авиационный бензин, добываемый из нефти, и авиационный керосин. Авиационный бензин предназначен для применения в поршневых авиационных двигателях, а авиационный керосин используется в турбовинтовых и турбореактивных двигателях летательных аппаратов. Главная цель всей деятельности гражданской авиации – обеспечение безопасности полетов. Важнейшим условием для этого является эксплуатация воздушных судов с учетом эксплуатационных ограничений, установленных нормами летной годности. Одно из условий – исправность авиационного горючего. Общеизвестно, что деятельность в области безопасности полетов носит многогранный и комплексный характер. Здесь системы взаимодействия многих авиационных служб, работающих на одну цель, привязаны к одному узлу, но при этом обязанности между ними строго распределены поровну. Одним из наиболее востребованных направлений в авиационной отрасли является обеспечение горюче – смазочными материалами. Но, тем не менее, в настоящее время есть нерешенные проблемы и в этом направлении. Интересно, что все проблемы в этой области не являются техническими. То есть от человеческих факторов. Значит, человек создан своими руками. Поскольку Проблема не является технической, ее решение лежит в организационном поле. В данной статье исследуются организационные проблемы в работе по обеспечению горюче-смазочными материалами в авиационной отрасли.
Ключевые слова: воздушное судно, авиационная техника, рыночные механизмы, авиационное горюче-смазочные материалы.
Abstract: The paper presents the design features of color sensors made on the basis of hydrogenated amorphous silicon films with the spectral sensitivity of the human eye, their characteristics depending on the wavelength of the radiation of the heated body, varying from temperature, and the dependence of the output voltage of the color sensor on the color of the body under consideration.
Keywords: the color sensor, the wavelength of the radiation of the heated body, the dependence of the output voltage of the color sensor on the color of the body in question.
Abstract. This article will focus on one of the new areas in the science of the Kazakh language “cognitology”, which has been studied since the Middle Ages. The main form of the science “cognitology” is research on the concept of the concept, on the ways of its study in connection with folk knowledge, education, as well as the history of the study of the term “concept” in linguistics.
The linguistic unity “nobility”, reflecting the existence of the Kazakh people, is studied in connection with cognitive science, its conceptual meanings are revealed. Cognitive models of the word “nobility” were associated with folk concepts, and cognitive meanings were considered in linguistics.
Keywords: cognitology, concept, cognitive model, nobility, cognition.
Abstract. Modern civil aviation has an adverse impact on the environment. While civil aviation is not a significant industry, some of its sites are a major source of adverse impacts in and around the airport. In addition, adverse impacts in the airport area often exceed the maximum permissible values. Thus, airplanes are the main sources of adverse environmental impacts. Factors of adverse impact of aircraft on the environment include: noise, emissions of polluting (chemical) substances, electromagnetic radiation, sound shocks. At present, during the operation of aircraft in the airport area, the most important factors of adverse impact are aircraft noise and emissions of pollutants that significantly affect health and the human body.
Key words: environment, objects, aircraft, airport, electromagnetic radiation, sonic boom, health of people.
Abstract. Ensuring the efficiency of transshipment and transfer of cargo flows is an urgent task and is directly related to the organization of the work of the airport’s cargo terminals. One of the modern methods of optimizing the operation of cargo terminals is the use of RFID technologies. RFID is a tool that is designed to store and receive a large amount of data through electromagnetic transmission and ensures the efficiency of cargo handling at the cargo terminal
Keywords: cargo terminal, airport, RFID technology, cargo, logistics
Abstract. The theme of thesis is ” Creating a web site (online store) of PB in the PHP environment in the programming languages JS, HTML”. The diploma project is developed for the Department “Center of information technologies” Narxoz University. The purpose of this work is to create an online store created for the convenience of consumers and to save time . In this diploma project, it is assumed that the buyer, sitting at home, receives information about the store’s products and not only receives information, but can also order the desired product, which will be purchased online. When writing of the degree project carried out research and analysis on the project. A web site is created in the PHP environment in the JS and HTML programming languages. The database is stored in the built-in SQLite database.
Keywords: information system, PHP, JS, ordering, web, staff.
Abstract. The theoretical study is devoted to the framework of the main problems, which are the lack of an individual, differentiated approach to the chosen profession, the lack of qualified personnel and weak monitoring of the modern labor market. This article presents topical issues of using information and communication technologies for future specialists, goals in a new direction for the student. The advantages of using information technologies are analyzed.
Keywords: teacher, student, technologies,methods, educational process, computer, professional choice, personal characteristics.
Abstract. This article outlines a study of current approaches to defending against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. DDoS attack is a fairly popular type of attack to restrict the availability of Internet services and resources. A DDos attack can come from anywhere on the network and usually overwhelm the victim’s server by sending a huge number of packets. As of early 2020, there are many approaches to defending against this type of attack. This article will review the latest innovations in protection against DDOS attacks. It also describes the practical experience accumulated by the authors of this article.
Keywords: Distributed denial of service, DDoS – attack, computer networks, information security, Internet services, DBMS servers, business continuity, intrusion identification system.
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