Authors: Zhіrnova O.V., Tuleushova R.Zh.
IRSTI 50.43/50.53

Abstract. The article analyzes the prospects of implementing intelligent flight management systems (IFMS) in Kazakhstan based on artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. The main methodological approaches are considered, including machine learning methods and deep neural networks for predicting emergency situations and optimizing flight trajectories. These approaches improve the safety and efficiency of aircraft management and reduce the risk of human error in complex conditions. The results of modeling and experimental data regarding navigation accuracy and response time to emergencies are presented, confirming the effectiveness of AI in flight management. Particular attention is given to the application of AI in automatic control and regulation systems to minimize the human factor in piloting. The obtained results can be applied in Kazakhstan’s aviation industry to enhance flight safety, reliability, and accuracy. In conclusion, the study outlines the development prospects of IFMS, such as integration with unmanned aerial vehicles and air traffic control systems in Kazakhstan.

Key words: artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, flight management, automation, instrumentation.