Abstract. Ensuring the efficiency of transshipment and transfer of cargo flows is an urgent task and is directly related to the organization of the work of the airport’s cargo terminals. One of the modern methods of optimizing the operation of cargo terminals is the use of RFID technologies. RFID is a tool that is designed to store and receive a large amount of data through electromagnetic transmission and ensures the efficiency of cargo handling at the cargo terminal
Keywords: cargo terminal, airport, RFID technology, cargo, logistics
Abstract. This paper analyzes the features of MEMS and the possibility of their use to build AHRS with flexible parameters, with the aim of using them on unmanned aerial vehicles. It is shown that the correct use of newer versions of modern MEMS, which have 3-axis gyroscopes, accelerometers and magnetometers, can provide complete and accurate information about the orientation of the UAV in space.
Key words: MEMS applications, magnetometer unit, inertial measurement unit (IMU), attitude and heading reference system (AHRS).
Abstract. This paper analyzes the features of MEMS and the possibility of their use to build AHRS with flexible parameters, with the aim of using them on unmanned aerial vehicles. It is shown that the correct use of newer versions of modern MEMS, which have 3-axis gyroscopes, accelerometers and magnetometers, can provide complete and accurate information about the orientation of the UAV in space.
Key words: MEMS applications, magnetometer unit, inertial measurement unit (IMU), attitude and heading reference system (AHRS).
Abstract. Two ways of using UAVs for assessing the degree of pollution of unaccounted wastewater from industrial enterprises are highlighted. This solves the problem of conducting independent environmental monitoring of production without the consent of the owner of the enterprise.
Keywords: Remote sensing, environmental monitoring, vegetative index, unmanned aerial vehicle, water pollution, industrial wastewater.
Abstract. The article examines the application of small, low-power satellite navigation receivers in nano-satellites, analyzes the technical performance of unified miniature GPS modules, microelectromechanical (MEMS) inertial measurement modules for nano-satellites and integrated navigation receivers and opportunities have been explored. The integrated navigation subsystem is used to estimate the position, velocity, and attitude of a vehicle with the output of inertial sensors.
Keywords: Integrated Navigation System, Nanosat, CubeSat, MEMS applications, inertial measurement unit (IMU).
Abstract. In this article, we will consider a magnesium alloy – allite super magnesium. After analyzing the alloy, we came to the following conclusion: we propose to use the new alloy in gas turbine engines of the aircraft. Because the alloy is durable, corrosion resistant, withstands high temperatures, has hardness and electrical insulating properties. This three-ring silicate supermagnesium is half the weight and strength of titanium. It also has the lowest carbon footprint of any construction material and is 100 percent recyclable. Untreated magnesium components have a lower corrosion rate than mild steel and are only slowly exposed to the atmosphere as a layer of hydroxide, oxide or carbonate on the surface. The new alloy is comparable in price to aluminum and much cheaper than such an innovative material as carbon fiber.
Key words: allite super magnesium, components, alloy, magnesium alloys, corrosion, specific gravity, ultimate strength, metal.
Abstract. The results of a study of the metallization of ferruginous sludge enrichment of phosphate-niobium ores are presented. The possibility of solid-phase reduction by carbon of iron, phosphorus and niobium at various temperatures is shown.
Keyworls: ore dressing sludge, recovery, phosphate niobium feed, metallization, melting, alloying.
Abstract. Perhaps the biggest blow the coronavirus pandemic has dealt to airlines. The travel and tourism industry has become one of the biggest victims of the coronacrisis. The first decisions made by the governments of the countries in connection with the pandemic concerned the closure of passenger flights and borders for foreigners. Therefore, millions of people in the world were forced to cancel holidays or work trips and return tickets. According to the calculations of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the losses of passenger airlines from the pandemic can range from $160 billion to $253 billion, depending on the scenario of the exit from quarantine. The total passenger traffic of airlines in the world may fall by more than 1 billion passengers [1]. According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), due to the coronavirus, the passenger turnover of world aviation may be halved, and the revenue of passenger airlines may fall by $314 billion [1]. But, nevertheless, the aviation sector continues its work, forced to adapt to new conditions and restrictions. Currently, the issue of using innovative technologies to reduce contacts between people is being raised. This includes robots for maintenance, new means for checking passengers. The situation also required the conversion of passenger aircraft to cargo aircraft in order to generate revenue for airlines from cargo transportation in view of the reduction in passenger traffic.
Keywords: COVID-19, innovation, crisis, transportation, traveler’s passport.
Abstract. The article is devoted to a deeper practical development of theoretical developments of logistics. In particular, using the theory of creating a logistics system of goods circulation, the authors propose the idea of creating a food belt around the city of Almaty. The result of the practical implementation of the idea would be to obtain a multilateral economic, environmental and social effect.
Keywords: wholesale distribution center, distribution network, multimodal transportat ion, stock movement, logistics system of stock movement.
Abstract. The article discusses the features of the CNS / ATM concept in terms of implementation of aeronautical digital communications. An example of such an implementation is the communication system for the aircraft cabin, designed to provide telecommunication services to passengers on board the aircraft.
Key words: CNS / ATM concept, data channel.
Аbstract. Historically, at the moment, the customs sphere in the Republic of Kazakhstan is a new area of public administration. This is due to the country’s long stay in the USSR. Before gaining independence, being one of the union republics, Kazakhstan could not develop this industry on its own, as it was forced to obey the principles of organizing the customs affairs of the USSR, which did not make it possible to independently regulate customs relations with other countries in favor of our state. The situation changed dramatically after gaining independence in 1991 [1]. This work reveals the features of the customs sphere of independent Kazakhstan.
Keywords: customs sphere, customs system, customs business, goods, duty, legislation.
Аннотация. В статье даётся социологический анализ здоровья человека/населения и болезни как социальных и природных явлений в историческом, социально-политическом, морально-эстетическом, психофизиологическом аспектах. Рассмотрены факторы, влияющие на состояние здоровья, а также физические причины болезни и заболеваемости. Исследуются социальные и биологические факторы здорового образа жизни. Кроме того, авторы дают анализ социально значимых заболеваний (туберкулез, СПИД, онкологические заболевания) как результата воздействия на человека неблагоприятных социально-экономических условий.
Ключевые слова: здоровье, болезнь, медицина, здоровый образ жизни, социально значимые заболевания.
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