Authors: Nabi N.B.,Sapashev O.,Rakhmetova A.S.
UDC 37.016:811.111

Annotation. Due to the very rapid pace of development of information technology and science,
there are high demands on human knowledge and skills. Including the ability of a person to properly
communicate with the general public, with other communicators, is one of the skills that everyone
should master today. Among them, the ability of a person to establish the right relationship with both
society and the individual is one of the advanced skills that need to be mastered. It’s no secret that
today it is becoming normal to communicate, not paying attention to the purity of the language, the
deep meaning of words and the norms of the literary language. That is why in the modern educational
process there is a need for the student to be able to properly master pronunciation skills. In language
classes, it is important to correctly perform pronunciation activities when establishing communication
with communicants.Recently, in methodological works, there has been a tendency to separate the terms “speaking” and “speech” actively forming their structure and features. In this regard, various conclusions and opinions of foreign and domestic methodologists were expressed regarding teaching pronunciation
and its methodology, methodological educational materials and research papers were published.
Speaking is carried out in the process of speech based on a specific communicative goal. By
organizing the process of speaking in the classroom, you can teach the student to correctly express
his thoughts and draw conclusions. A skill, in turn, is a process that is continuously repeated in a daily
lesson and, on its basis, is brought to automatism. That is why the modern educational paradigm is aimed at developing a set of correct educational and business skills for the student. The article
presents the techniques of speaking, ways of mastering it by the student on the example of specific
tasks according to the concept of the 4K model.

Keywords: speaking process, 4K model, critical thinking, communication, collaboration,
language combinations, teaching methods, cognition.