Authors: Shukurova S.M.,Saydumarov I.M.
UDC 378.147:629.73

Abstract. This new study contributes to the implementation of the tasks reflected in the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures for transformation and support of civil aviation enterprises” (Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, No. PP-5100 of April 30, 2021) and other regulatory acts related to this activity. The changes based on this decision are certainly related to the issue of training personnel for the aviation sector. The training process for new structures should be improved. In this regard, it is necessary to create and introduce new scientific-based electronic methodological manuals into the education system.
The main approaches to the systematization of aviation GA documents are also presented, data from literature sources are analyzed, and an approach that meets the goals and objectives of the electronic educational complex (EOC) “ZiNPD”is adopted.
In the aspect of systematization of aviation documents, an important role is assigned to the content of one of the main regulatory documents defining the rules for performing flights in the airspace of Uzbekistan-the Aviation Rules of the Republic of Uzbekistan – 91 document. According to Aviation Rules of the Republic of Uzbekistan -91 data, a variety of aviation documents were systematized and linked to the types of flight support. The systematization took into account 486 Doc documents and 348 Cir ICAO Cir circulars and 19 annexes to the Chicago Convention, as well as 87 regulatory documents of Civil Aviation of Uzbekistan.

Keywords: aviation, systematization, document, process, air traffic controllers.