Authors: Akbayeva A.N., Akbayeva L.N.
UDC 32:005.745

Abstract. The article provides a deep political science analysis of the main provisions of the
Message of the Head of State K.K. Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan “Economic course of a Just
Kazakhstan” dated September 1, 2023. In the Message, President Tokayev reviewed the current
situation in the country, outlined key areas of work for the medium term, covered all the “painful”
points of public life and set before the government clear vectors for the development of our society.
According to the president, the continuation of the political modernization carried out in 2022 should
now be structural economic transformations. Thus, the country faces a profound restructuring of
relations in the triad “citizen – business – state.” President Tokayev believes that Kazakhstan has a
chance for a powerful economic breakthrough. That is why it is necessary to gradually, but firmly
and decisively move to a new economic model, which is led not by abstract achievements, but by a
real improvement in the lives of citizens.
Three principles – fairness, inclusiveness and pragmatism – should determine the country’s new
economic course. The new paradigm for the economic development of Kazakhstan will be based on
the effective use of our competitive advantages, as well as unlocking the potential of all key factors
of production – labor, capital, resources and technology. Within the framework of the new economic
policy, the practice of setting long-term ephemeral goals should be forgotten. All tasks set out in this
Message must be solved within three years; for the most difficult ones, other specific deadlines will
be determined. The authors of the article consider the 2023 Presidential Message to be a new political
agenda for Kazakh society, in which the basis for the emerging policy will be a focus on strengthening
the middle class.

Key words: welfare state, climate agenda, banking sector, civil service, personnel policy,
political modernization, intellectual platform, liberal democratic values.