Abstract. The problem of combating ISI (intersymbol interference) and ICI (interchannel interference) in wireless systems is very relevant, and in many cases it does not yet find an acceptable solution. The article discusses the causes of digital signal distortion. The methods of combating distortion are presented: spaced reception, separation of individual signals at the receiving point using broadband signals, reception using the alignment of the frequency characteristics of the channel.
Modern wireless access systems are based on algorithms for generating and processing signals with OFDM (Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing) technology, Since the accepted standard cannot be changed, the developers have only one way out-to compete with each other in improving the receiving equipment, using more complex signal processing methods and optimizing the computing and hardware costs for their implementation.
Keywords: intersymbol interference, signal distortion, multipath interference, intersymbol distortion compensation, OFDM.