Authors: Lyapbaeva N.I.
UDC 316.4

Abstract. The proposed scientific article deals with some issues of social security in transport. First of all, speaking about the most important aspects of theoretical problems of social security in General, the researchers note some important aspects of social security in transport. After all, transport occupies one of the leading places in the system of public relations in terms of social significance. Transport services are used by almost the entire population of the country. Security is a complex social phenomenon, which in structure is multifaceted and multifaceted, manifests itself in various conditions and in society. Also represents conflicting interests in the relations of various social subjects. For example, one of them wants to ensure his security from other people’s sides, but without taking into account the interests of other people, groups, peoples, thinks from the point of view of old and selfish views, thereby he faces circumstances that even try to ignore laws. With globalization, especially now, security has come out on top. In order to ensure the need for safety in conditions where threats to the safety of people on transport are currently increasing, the question arises of an approach to a common consensus of various institutions and organizations.
Therefore, transport safety issues have become an urgent problem today. In the article, the authors emphasize that the development of the concept of social security in transport and the solution of issues of social security allow to unite the structures responsible for ensuring security in various modes of transport, and help to develop common approaches and approaches to the implementation of safety principles.

Keywords: social security, social security in transport, society, transport system, passenger transportation.