Annotation. This article tells about the tragedy of the Kazakh people in the 20-30s of the twentieth century, about repressive measures, dispossession, persecution of the people. Consequences of the “divide and rule” policy. Protests and discontent of the common people. It is said about the impact of forced collectivization and repression on the fate of people. The struggle of the Kazakh intelligentsia of other scientists for the integrity of the state, etc.
Keywords: repression, famine, genocide, ethnocide, population census, intelligentsia.
Abstract. The paper presents works, results and technologies that prove the effectiveness of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the field of geodetic surveys, topographic, cadastral and land works.
Key words: unmanned aerial vehicle, geodetic surveys, digital terrain model, orthophotomap, relief situation.
Abstract. For the ball gyroscope it is shown that the interaction of the unbalanced rotor and the first harmonic component of the perturbing motor torque is the cause of care, which depends on the phase angle of the rotating magnetic field of the electric motor. The frequency of perturbation is a multiple of the rotor rotation frequency. The influence of synchronous and asynchronous components of the electromagnetic forces momentum on the gyroscope dynamics is also considered. It is evident from the expressions of the escapes that the mean phase angle θ of the rotating stator magnetic field can turn to zero, which coincides with the recommendations proposed by the previous authors. Quantitative estimates of the errors of the ball gyroscope are given.
Key words: perturbation torque of electric motor, imperfections of synchronous electric motor, amplitudes of angular variables, “polar” perturbation torque of synchronous hysteresis gyro motor, care of gyroscope with spherical support.
Abstract: Modern strategies have a market orientation, take into account possible changes in operating conditions, are subject to adjustments and updates if the target parameters are not reached at the control points. Enterprises on the market are faced with the need to choose the optimal strategy option or strategic solution, taking into account resource and capacity constraints.
Keywords: analysis, evaluation, airports, resources, air transportation.
Abstract. The concept of RCR (RW Condition Report – reports on the condition of the runway) is that the aerodrome operator assesses the condition of the runway surface in cases where there is water, snow, slush, ice or frost on the operated runway. Based on the results of such an assessment, the runway condition code (RWYCC – RW Condition Code) and information describing the runway surface are reported, which can be used by the flight crew to calculate the flight characteristics of the aircraft. Such a format based on the type, depth and zone of contamination is the best assessment by the aerodrome operator of the condition of the runway surface, however, all other relevant information will be taken into account, which will be constantly updated, and changes in conditions will be immediately reported. The RWYCC specifies the characteristics of the braking performance on the runway as a function depending on the condition of the surface. With this information, the flight crew, having information about the flight characteristics of the aircraft provided by the manufacturer, can determine the required braking distance of the aircraft when landing in prevailing conditions.
Keywords: runway, runway condition, assessment format.
Abstract. This article deals with the problems of numerical study of the thermomechanical state of rods. On the basis of the fundamental law on the change in the amount of heat, an equation of the established thermal conductivity for a horizontal rod of limited length and a constant cross section is constructed through a fixed cross-section in a time ∂τ. In this case, different temperatures are set at the two ends of the investigated rod, and heat exchange with the surrounding medium takes place through the lateral surface. In addition, the investigated rod is made of thermal protective material ANV-300. The determining law of the distribution of temperature, of all the corresponding deformations and stresses, and also of the displacement along the length of the investigated rod. The values of the thermal elongation and the resulting axial force are calculated.
In a complex thermal zone, bearing components of reactive and hydrogen engines, nuclear and thermal power stations, processing lines of processing industries, as well as internal combustion engines operate. The reliable operation of these structures will depend on the conditions of the thermoelectric power of the bearing components. Therefore, this study is devoted to a numerical study of the state of the thermoelectric power of the structural components in the form of rods of limited length, bounded at both ends. The proposed computational algorithm is based on the principle of energy conservation. In this case, all types of integrals in the functional energy formulas are integrated analytically. In this case, the numerical solutions obtained will have high accuracy.
Keywords: the temperature, the rod, the thermal energy, the algorithm.
Abstract. In the article, the authors reveal the relevance and practical significance of ethnoaesthetic education in Kazakhstan, which is actualized by the need to introduce the discipline «Ethnoaesthetics» in higher educational institutions of the Republic. The purpose of studying the discipline is the formation of an ethnoaesthetic type of personality. Since only he is able to bring into the Kazakh society a stabilizing, long-term oriented spiritual principle. Ethnoaesthetics as a discipline consists of three sections: 1) the history of Kazakh aesthetic thought; 2) ethn-aesthetic education; 3) theoretical ethnoaesthetics.
The historical section of ethnoaesthetics consists of an implicit form (empirical material) and an explicit form (theoretical works). The second section includes the study of the theory of ethnoaesthetic education and its means – Kazakh folk art (oral-poetic, musical (instrumental and song), arts and crafts, national holidays and games), and professional art (fiction, architecture, cinema, fine, dance and theatrical arts). The theoretical section of ethnoaesthetics includes the subject of ethnoaesthetics, a system of categories and values, an ideal model of a national person, Kazakh aesthetic culture.
Key words: ethnoaesthetics, ethnoaesthetic education, history of Kazakh aesthetic thought, ethnoaesthetic education, theoretical ethnoaesthetics, Kazakh folk and professional art, Kazakh aesthetic culture.
Abstract. This paper provides a literature review of the Scaps-1D modeling program. Numerical analysis in SCAPS is a mandatory approach to assess the feasibility of the proposed physical structure and its performance. The limitation of CAPS is that it does not work well in multi-connection simulation environments (pnp, npn, tandem). This program calculates energy ranges, concentrations and currents at a given operating point, J-V characteristics, AC characteristics, spectral characteristics and can build a circuit of up to 7 semiconductor layers.
Key words: SCAPS-1D, solar cell, semiconductor, tandem solar.
Abstract. This article deals with the problem of using a literary text for teaching different types of reading and using it in the educational process as a whole, foreign methods of teaching a foreign language is still an ongoing debate about the appropriateness of this type of activity.
Keywords: language skills – lexical and grammatical, linguistic and cultural aspect, social, cultural, structure of a foreign language society, process semantic information, systematize and analyze what has been read, work with a dictionary.
Abstract. The article is devoted to the consideration of some foreign studies on the cognitive aviation metaphor. This kind of metaphor is included in the general classification of scientific metaphor. It is also important that the choice of the topic was determined by the interest of the scientific community in the study of cognitive metaphors in various fields of knowledge, including in the language of science. The figurative meaning of words in the aviation sphere is one of the significant ways of understanding phenomena and objects. The author of the article emphasizes that the aviation metaphor is a necessary element of the Russian and English languages.
Tenbaeva A.M. notes the special interest of scientists in the functioning of the path in the English scientific language. The theoretical commonality of the functioning of the aviation metaphor in two languages is marked. Special attention is paid to the productive groups of the trail. Of particular interest is a group of terms based on parallels with human life and the animal world. The article also outlines ways to further study the processes of metaphorization.
Keywords: research, term, cognitive metaphor, aviation metaphor, groups of metaphors, concept.
Annotation. This topic reveals the main trends in modern linguometrics, considers the object, subject, as a science, the specifics of teaching the Kazakh language in a multi-ethnic environment.
Keywords: linguometodics, linguodidactics, polyethnic environment.
Abstract. The article provides mathematical modeling for indoor VLS based on MATLAB and Simulink. The program considers the positions of the transmitters and reflections on each wall. For the visible light environment, the LED lighting diode is used not only as a lighting device but also as a communication device. Using a simulation program, the distributions of illumination and RMS delay spread at the bottom surface are analyzed.
Keywords: networks, data transmission, data reception, LEDs, Li-Fi, VLC, lighting device, software, signal delay.
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